
  • Virtual access to business plenaries, including online voting. Delegates are chosen by their churches.

  • Virtual access to business plenaries, without voting.

  • Includes meals, all plenaries, workshops and worship sessions, with voting. Rooming is paid directly to the hotel.

  • Includes all in person plenaries, workshops and worship sessions but no meals. Delegates are chosen by their churches.

  • Includes all in person plenaries, workshops and worship sessions but no meals.


Rev. Jane Fisler Hoffman Author of Covenant | A Study for the United Church of Christ

Rev. Dr. Jane Fisler-Hoffman graduated from Eden Seminary with MDiv and DMin degrees. After serving two local churches, she was called to Conference Ministry—-as Associate Conf Minister in SW Ohio, then Illinois Conference Minister and interim SCal Nevada Conference Minister. In those places she was privileged to work with and learn from hundreds of churches and clergy . In retirement she has done occasional odds and ends—boundary training, staffing Committees on Ministry, etc, but is now mostly retired. She was married to Milt for 55 years before his death in 2021. They have two wonderful children and 5 awesome grandchildren. Jane leads an anti-death penalty e-group in Missouri and chairs a “Green Team” in her retirement community. She enjoys seeing friends, travel, reading mysteries, crocheting, and walking her dog companion.

Rev. Vanessa Lovelace Associate Dean, Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, Lancaster Theological Seminary

The Rev. Dr. Vanessa Lovelace is an experienced Hebrew Bible/Old Testament scholar. She has taught introductory Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, biblical exegesis and elementary biblical Hebrew courses, as well as womanist biblical interpretation and Bible, Race, Gender, Sexuality and Pastoral Care, an interdisciplinary, team-taught class. Her areas of expertise include Deuteronomistic History, Hebrew Bible prophets and prophecy, and women and gender in ancient Israel. Her teaching and research interests include interpreting biblical texts using literary criticism and theory of gender and nation through a womanist lens.

Rev. Heather Vacek Vice President / Dean, Moravian Theological Seminary and Lancaster Theology Seminary

Heather joined Moravian Theological Seminary and Lancaster Theological Seminary as VP/Dean in the summer of 2021. She relishes walking alongside students, staff, and faculty as they discern their individual and collective vocations in service of God’s work in the world. Heather is ordained in the Moravian Church and is honored to lead the work of theological education at MTS and LTS.

Rev. Bill Worley Conference Minister, Penn South East Conference, UCC

As Conference Minister, Bill has responsibility for the administration of the Conference and the spiritual care of its 337 pastors who work in various ministry settings, including the Conference’s 160 congregations. He represents Conference concerns to the National Church and serves on the UCC National Board of Directors and the UCC Insurance Board. He is also a member of the Phoebe Ministries Board — one of several Conference ministry partners.

Rev. Dr. Carrie Call Conference Minister, Penn Central Conference, UCC

Carrie has served in her leadership position at Penn Central Conference since August 2019. She came to us from Lancaster Theological Seminary where she worked from October of 2016 – June 2019 as the Executive Director of Development and Communication. Prior to the Seminary she served the Indiana-Kentucky Conference of the United Church of Christ as an associate conference minister from 2012-2016. She also worked for 10 years at Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, Indiana, as an instructor in the departments of Psychology and Education and director of the Office for Civic and Social Engagement. From 1992-97 she was pastor of Old First Church, Middletown, N.J.


  • "Manual on Church" with Rev. Dr. Nora Foust

    "Manual on Church" with Rev. Dr. Nora Foust

    Manual on Church Discussion - In this workshop, Nora will offer an updated report on progress of the Synod mandated, new Manual on Church as well as introduce ways to engage the Marks of Ministry for assessing congregational vitality and goal setting. Monday, June 5th, 6:30PM via Zoom

  • "Creativity in Worship" with Rev. Jes Kast

    "Creativity in Worship" with Rev. Jes Kast [Sold Out]

    The ancient prophets declared that God was doing a new thing and the people of God's job was to perceive it (Isaiah 43:19). Please join the Reverend Jes Kast as she leads us with some examples of how her congregation has created new ways to worship God, and then we'll open the mic for you to share what ideas and resources you have seen work well. Have you used the arts in worship? Have you worshiped in a new place? What lessons have you learned you can share for our wisdom? Come and be prepared to dream together about God's bold new thing! Monday June 5th, 6:30PM via Zoom

  • "Rural Ministry – Blessings, Challenges, and Covenant" with Rev. Amelia Price

    "Rural Ministry – Blessings, Challenges, and Covenant" with Rev. Amelia Price

    We are reminded often that more than 50% of churches in the United Church of Christ are classified as “Rural” and “Small.” Both terms raise images and expectations that may or may not be valid in individual settings. Together we will explore the privilege of ministry and membership in Rural Churches. We will talk about challenges and joys, discuss some hard truths, share what is working for us here in PCC, and share how powerful ministry in these settings can be. Monday, June 5th, 6:30PM via Zoom

  • "Church Legacy" with Rev. Carrie Call

    "Church Legacy" with Rev. Carrie Call

    Tuesday, June 6th 6:30PM via Zoom

  • "Sustainable Voices" with Rev. Dr. Bill Wealand and Libby Loser

    "Sustainable Voices" with Rev. Dr. Bill Wealand and Libby Loser

    Your congregation can speak its mind to elected officials, advocating for a healthy and habitable planet for all. The "Church Guide for Faith-Filled Citizenship" can help. Tuesday, June 6th 6:30PM via Zoom

  • "Protecting Trans and Non-Binary Youth:  Two Dads Talk about Faith, Gender Affirming Care, Bathrooms, and Athletic Participation"

    "Protecting Trans and Non-Binary Youth: Two Dads Talk about Faith, Gender Affirming Care, Bathrooms, and Athletic Participation"

    Two fathers, Dr. Tom Pineo and Rev. Dietmar Plajer share how faith and biologic complexity of gender as well as the complexity of assigning gender for purposes of athletic participation facts can shape our understanding and advocacy on the critical issues impacting trans and non-binary youth. Tuesday, June 6th 6:30PM via Zoom

  • "The Power of the Printed Page: A Bookseller Talks about Changing the World One Book at a Time" with Byron Borger

    "The Power of the Printed Page: A Bookseller Talks about Changing the World One Book at a Time" with Byron Borger

    Join Byron as he energetically reminds us of what most of us know in our bones: what books can do, the benefits of reading, the joys (and obstacles) of reading widely, how churches can find renewal and hope by creating a culture of reading. Byron will mostly describe new titles, share recommended resources, and highlight books that you might enjoy. Wednesday, June 7th 6:30PM via Zoom

  • "Preventing Vicarious Trauma" with Rev. Rick Luciotti

    "Preventing Vicarious Trauma" with Rev. Rick Luciotti

    The workshop will focus on encouraging clergy to strive to ever more take effective care of their self as essential to efficiently extending pastoral care to others.
    The session will take the scriptural directive to love the Lord God with all of one’s heart, mind, soul and strength; and one’s neighbor as oneself and extend that to the concept of ‘Total Behavior’ as developed by Dr. William Glasser in Reality Therapy and Choice theory. The result being that learning and choosing to integrate the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual components of behavior for wellness facilitates a healthier ministry.
    Wednesday, June 7th 6:30PM via Zoom

  • "Keystone Project" with Rev. Dr. Carrie Call

    "Keystone Project" with Rev. Dr. Carrie Call

    Last fall a group of leaders representing the 4 Pennsylvania Conferences began meeting to explore the possibility of working more closely together and exploring the possibility of an eventual merger into one Keystone Conference. We have met monthly and are working with a consultant. At this Annual Meeting presentation join Carrie Call (Penn Central) and Bill Worley (Penn Southeast) to learn more about the process thus far and to share your thoughts and reflections. Wednesday, June 7th 6:30PM via Zoom

  • "Boundary Training" with Rev. Dr. Nora Foust

    "Boundary Training" with Rev. Dr. Nora Foust

    BT at Annual Meeting will center around the educational gathering that Nora is attending later this month with boundary trainers from across the denomination in Cleveland. Speakers include: Rev Lori Tapia, the DOC National Pastor for Hispanic Ministries, who develops boundary training that is culturally relevant, and Dr Sharon Fennema, our Curator for Join the Movement, who will help navigate power dynamics through an intersectional lens. Friday, June 9th, 9:30AM

  • "Church Empowerment Team: Empowering Congregations to Sail Confidently with God into the Headwinds of the Future" with Mike Gibbs

    "Church Empowerment Team: Empowering Congregations to Sail Confidently with God into the Headwinds of the Future" with Mike Gibbs [Sold Out]

    What does the future hold for your congregation? The Church Futures Commission is a newly proposed resource within the PCC to partner with congregations seeking to take their next step into God’s future no matter where you are on the congregational life cycle. The Commission’s mission is to empower congregations to discover ways to leverage their blessings and other resources so that no congregation stands alone. This is accomplished through needs assessments, training and deploying coaches to support specific congregational needs (e.g. mutual ministry; managing change; church decline; healthy church practices), grants for ministry initiatives, developing workshops, and partnering with congregations considering or engaged in a legacy process, This workshop will share more about the proposed work of the
    commission and provide practical experiences with some of our conference coaches.
    Friday, June 9th 4:00PM in person at hotel

  • "WISE Addictions, A Beginner's Guide to 12-Step Recovery" with Rev. Izzy Harbin

    "WISE Addictions, A Beginner's Guide to 12-Step Recovery" with Rev. Izzy Harbin

    For those unfamiliar with 12-Step Recovery, how or why the 12-Steps are successful in helping folks recover can be quite the mystery. Together, we will untangle that mystery, and explore how each of the steps provides a solid foundation for lasting change and ongoing transformation. Friday, June 9th 4:00PM in person at hotel

  • "Pastoral Relations Committees" with Rev. Nora Foust

    "Pastoral Relations Committees" with Rev. Nora Foust

    Every church needs a pastoral Relations committee! Come to this workshop for resources on getting one started or using your current committee more effectively. Friday, June 9th 4:00PM in person at hotel

  • "Spiritual Royalties" with Eric Dundore

    "Spiritual Royalties" with Eric Dundore

    This workshop will focus on what you as a congregation can do to address the issue of racism through the music of the church. Traditional Negro Spirituals have been too long taken for granted in our worship, and we need to recognize their importance and significance in our lives. We will offer ideas for what you can do to repay the debt we owe to the enslaved musicians who have never been remunerated for their gifts to all of us. Friday, June 9th 4:00PM in person at hotel

  • "Following Jesus: how we engage with the Lord’s instruction to make disciples in congregational ministry" with Rev. Dan Schmidt

    "Following Jesus: how we engage with the Lord’s instruction to make disciples in congregational ministry" with Rev. Dan Schmidt

    This workshop will include a panel discussion (see next sentence!) and extensive interaction that focuses on what’s been effective for encouraging a life of faith; we’ll also consider challenges inherent to this interest.
    If you’d like to share specific experiences with discipleship in your ministry setting as part of the panel, please contact Dan ([email protected])
    Saturday, June 10th 10:45AM in person at hotel

  • "Keystone Project" with Rev. Dr. Carrie Call

    "Keystone Project" with Rev. Dr. Carrie Call

    Last fall a group of leaders representing the 4 Pennsylvania Conferences began meeting to explore the possibility of working more closely together and exploring the possibility of an eventual merger into one Keystone Conference. We have met monthly and are working with a consultant. At this Annual Meeting presentation join Carrie Call (Penn Central) and Bill Worley (Penn Southeast) to learn more about the process thus far and to share your thoughts and reflections. Saturday, June 10th 10:45AM in person at hotel

  • "WHY BOTHER WITH COVENANT IN OUR TIME?" with Rev. Jane Fisler Hoffman

    "WHY BOTHER WITH COVENANT IN OUR TIME?" with Rev. Jane Fisler Hoffman

    We’ll talk about whether covenant language is past its time and if so what else might work? And if keeping “Covenant”, what strategies, resources, etc will make it real? And anything else the group wants to explore!
    Saturday, June 10th 10:45AM in person at hotel

  • "Evaluating Financial Health" with Rev. Izzy Harbin

    "Evaluating Financial Health" with Rev. Izzy Harbin

    In a world where we are all concerned about how we are going to pay our bills, churches are having to look at there finances as closely as every family in the church. What can we learn from evaluating our financial health? What are some strategies for moving our churches into greater financial health? These are a couple of the questions that we'll answer together as we look at what it takes to understand how the financial health of our churches is tied to the mission, ministry, and vision of our churches. Saturday, June 10th 10:45AM in person at hotel

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